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Old 06-15-04, 11:22 PM   #55
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

well slavery or not my family came here in 1920 they had nuthin to do wit slavery sicilians have had it worse off than any black slaves cause sicily has been invaded so many times that theyre a mix of a lot. i jus think a lot needs to change white ppl need to stop lookin down on ppl blaks need to stop always findin excuses bout why theyre poor and they need to start havin respect cause i hate it wen they get that attitude over nuthin i mean if i got jumped id prolly get my ass beat but the ppl who jumped me would end up in bad shape a week later but wat im tryin to say is nuthin will change if blaks dont start to see wat they do and whites start to see wat they do cause if one side changes the other side needs to change too and in a few hundred years there prolly wont be blak or white or latino in america cause the way i see things goin today everyone will be mixed by then so it will all work out by itself
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