Thread: Graduation
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Old 06-16-04, 01:41 AM   #1
Whyte Ave.
Light Weight
Whyte Ave.'s Avatar
Posts: 319
From: Ill Woods, E-Town


well I graduate at the end of this year, and yah...

A New Becoming

This is a time of joy and sorrow
This pivotal stage of life ends tomorrow
Walk across the stage a receive the piece of paper
A ticket to your future, allows you to continue forward
A fork in the road, but now, you control your path

Independent, yet still so dependant
Experienced yet so inexperienced
New freedoms are discovered
New responsibilities earned
How will you deal with all this
Swing and miss?
A mistake now may not be corrected
By a stroke of a pen, or replacement exam
Do you work? Continue school?
Eight hour shifts? Eight hour cram session?
Your choices will affect your character
Don’t be scared and timid
Attack your new world and show fight
But first enjoy this night

A time of celebration and new becoming
March to pace of your own drumming
This night only comes once in your lifetime
Cherish it and never forget all the memories
For you may never see these people
Enjoy this night
Tomorrow is a new day
A new Life
A new you
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