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Old 06-16-04, 07:38 PM   #13
For$akeN's Avatar
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TEAM 1...A.I: ok First Harold you did very well from start to finish you
ripped dem to shreds bar count and flow were both on point nice vocab
you used it well creativity & originality was both aight my fav punch
from you in this drop was as well the opener:

"Me and dee Rock well…reppin AI and always cumin first,
While these kids spit and suck….like blowjobs in reverse."

OK DeLeon in my opinion you had a lil better verse liked the intro.....
ok your opener was aight flow & bar count were aight not your
greatest vocab was good, creativity & originality on point............

TEAM 2...Mafioso: OK first up E-Dubz ok....well you didn't come
hard at all your punches weren't good period & your flow was just
decent not the best....creativity & originality not there in my opinion....
OK....CROZ nope not enough effort to win this battle your flow was
aight not the best & your punches weren't hitting hard...........

vote goes to: A.I. Crew- DeLeon & The Great Harold