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Old 06-21-04, 05:26 PM   #11
New to RB
Posts: 87
From: Texas

Ok, Ima keep it brief, but direct

Hoops: your opener was wack, but you made up for it later. Your best line to me was the SARs bit, but you could have wrote that better to have more punch. You spent most of you time talking about yourself, and not enough focusing on Miss L. Your style was o'kay, but some of your thoughts seemed too random. Alot of your bars seem too either put too much or no thought into em.

Miss L: You had nice structure, and you improved each line, hittin' harder and harder. You were creative wit your rime and you pulled the audience in with your mild humor. Your punches were on point, and personals tight. You were just better overall.

Vote: Miss L.