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Old 06-23-04, 06:29 PM   #12
Middle Weight
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Posts: 388
From: England, Leeds

Right in my opinion Mjust got this, his battle was much betta all round

"yo, i peeped ya last battle and dog, im impressed//
that u could spit and take ya tampon out while gettin undressed//"
Thats a sweet opener, the only bit i didnt like with Mjust's verse was the closin line, that just wasnt workin for me.

"you need to gather you money and get your mom off the corner
because this aint nothing but an easy learner"

weakest line of the battle, what is goin on therre?

"my words are to sophisticated to be related to yours
your still underground im on the top playing tours"

That was the only line i could pick out of whitey's battle, even though there is no chance of that happenin right now,
I know I'm still aparantly 'New to RB' but i just gotta say whitey, elevate man.

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