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Old 06-24-04, 03:20 AM   #5
Dreadedwicksta*'s Avatar
Posts: 120

This's the end of this, Im serving ya, and round two's ya dinner plate``
Cuz the only time u are "beating the boards" Is when ya tryna skate``
I’ll ‘tear~your~flows’ like rip~tides, ya easy to brake, ya be~soft``
Ya cant ‘bear~raw~blows’ like microwaves not set on defrost``
Like school…I’ll cut ya up into fifths, leave ya bloody-like-periods``
Ya talent is no wher near-this, Ya just like William Hung, ugly-but-serious``
Hitz's a loner and he has "no-one" like a table of even numbers``
Cuz this dudes circle of friends is smaller than neck holes in babys jumpers``
Ya teacher could be stoned and u still can't get high marks``
Cuz Hitz's bout to get K.O'd n beheaded like foriegners in iraq``
Readin' my verse is the only time ya seenin' 40calibahitz``
I flip the scriptz, think ya gon win ? mind must be playin trickz on tripz``
Try az hard az you want ya cum off 0 to none like a bum'z bank account balance``
Hitz could process photoz of American Idol...still wont 'develop some talent'``
So are u a cry baby or a grown man, or maybe your both?``
I guess u are a little kid cuz ya rhymes need plenty of room 4 growth``