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Old 06-24-04, 01:03 PM   #9
Vango's Avatar
Posts: 2,231
Your A Waste Bare Hands


Shit I dont need a gun I'll rip you with my "Bare Hands", cuz im just that rough
Its funny how you spit hatred, when the facts are kid you just aint good enough
You sweated our tryout thread for days, hoping persistence would put you down
Now you've just taken Kryogenix's place on RB, for the MC whose most clowned
If I had a dime for everyone newbie who talked shit, believe me I'd be rich
Im happy to say we found a spot for you Bare Hands, Your Blueprints NEW bitch
Truth be told Bare Hands, you be honored to ever rep the colors of Blue
Shit I cant even drop personals on you kid, CUZ NOBODY EVEN KNOWS YOU!!!!!!!!
So put your money where your mouth is, cuz right now all i hear is chatter
Cuz when i told you to go elevate kid, I didnt mean go get a ladder
So next you wanna run your mouth bitch and you got something to say
My advice would shut the fuck up, and the check the BLUEPRINT RESUME

Fuckin newbie, ha ha.

I had to get a new couch, but as you can see the fun continues!

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