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Old 06-25-04, 12:58 PM   #1
Banned: Biting
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Posts: 40
From: From the depths of solicitors
Idea about crew forum...


I think that the crew forums should have a list of poeple that can only see sertin things...Like the mod of the forums should be able to block people that arnt in the crew from seeing things....

ex: Ok...pretend im in blueprint and i want to see who A.I. is gona diss next so i can counter there diss... i go there and wait untill info gets leeked out in the thread and i go to the leader and tell him and we make a diss befor they can....

My plan to stop this is to have the leader/mod of the forum be able to make a list of user names that can have acces to the threads in the forum....and be able to change the names of the members any you can make the tryouts and roster publik but not the colab ideas....

you get what im saying?
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