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Old 06-30-04, 08:25 AM   #4
Banned: Cheating
Posts: 452

RIFF RAFFs from the land of queers, The United Kingdom
But if you tell him that then hes says: nah thats England
I just throw harder punches than Ali in his age
Whyd you think punches was flavors of Kool-Aid
My rhymes are so hot they print em in braille
His latest deal bumps his up to yardsales
I am the main event, I dont know why you came
Noone wants the alternative, go sing with stained
When you go to get loud and audible, its all written
Your so called "empire" is crumbling like great brittan
See my levels been voted for by the people like all-pro
Man these people arent voting for you like ross perot
Now dont get mad throw fits and go into hysteria
All amatuer rappers can use the exhibition area