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Old 06-30-04, 09:07 AM   #6
Banned: Biting
Posts: 585
From: Newcastle..England..
IP: a break you like dropped crockery
youve no chance of beating me........
........youve more chance winning the lottery./.
fag talks like a gangster when really he pathetic
wont let his mum remove a splinter......
..................unless he gets an anithstetic./.
calling me out in bitch slapped saying im nutting but a waste o` space
if we ever meet offline...............
...............youll need a brace to hold your face in place./.
and my empire aint crumbling its jus not finished being built
go wipe your arse..........
.....your dad made it sticky from the semen that he spilt./.
you have a blank profile so peeps cant do personals.
jus as well my punchlines rid o` wankstains like you better than persil./.
i could end this battle its already in the bag
but for being a biting lil bitch im a hit heavy on this fag./.
dont read crystal balls........ but i sure as hell can tell ya fate
you aint never gunna win ya first victory unless you elevate./.

would of dropped quicker but got to end of spit and accidentally deleted it.
but anyway its done. and so am i