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Old 07-01-04, 09:40 PM   #6
New to RB
Posts: 56

look kid, I'ma beat your ugly head open
you're better off....
than online, so just log out instead of postin
I'm launchin the end.... of you're RB career
DeLeon's got the Blueprint
.................of my fuckin fist on his ear
kids got the brains of a chimp, catch my drift?
got the jump off poppin...
when he landed at the bottom of the cliff
no surprise he comes dope, when it's me he's facin
DeLeon's on my dick
so when I get hard, he'll rise to the occasion
call me the laugh doctor, shit almost comical
I have no patients....
& I need some, so I'ma put him in the hospital
beatin me's impossible... let it go, it's over son
like you 68'd me
..................I leave you owe 'n one

HardWood Class-Sickz
Class is in session kids

You have no idea....