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Old 07-02-04, 12:01 AM   #3
~AlmoSt iLLeGAL~
Posts: 246
From: "Pistol"vania

He see’n my name, it gotz him goosebumps, and it aint from being cold/
Sorry but Genicide, how the fuck u gonna match me up wit a kid whos only 12 yrs old/
After I drop this shyt, it will be physically impossible to remain undefeated/
Cause my rhymez will leave you in pain and die’n, and just like aids you cant be treated/
If he knew he was face’n me in this battle, he woulda never wanted to play/
If he tried as hard to pass school as he does to win a battle, he woulda failed 7th grade/
I hope before you throw down your shit, that you got lotz of practice/
Cause your punch lines cant hurt Lil Scrappy, they just all soft like my mattress/
You lost this battle, come again Judge, after you grow a pair of balls/
Some sperm cells, get some girls, better rhymes and grow pubes in your draws/