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Old 07-02-04, 07:41 PM   #13
For$akeN's Avatar
Posts: 5,924

owl's drop:

u dont want it with me ill verbully rip u apart
tearin through ur rhymes and rippin out ur heart
wow that was a weak opener good try tho.... 4/10
ur the type of guy to put viagra in ur eyes just so u look hard
limit me to 10 lines yet ill stack 12 bars
well I liked the viagra part but the 2nd line was really lacking 6/10
cmon ull soon know my shits hot
ill leave u deciest bra, u know wha i mean haus
hmmmm....not feeling didn't get it 5/10
u'll be in the hospital sheets while the doc watches u bleed
while ur moms watches u scream cuz u got shot for talkin sleek
weak once again 5/10
....opps my bad thats talkin slick
talkin shit done chalked u kid
weak what can I say 4/10

overall: 5/10

Durmil's Drop:

For real mayne get a life, thats something you wont regret son/
Wait a sec, lifes a bitch so no wonder Owl can't get one//
haha that was hot dawg like how you used his name against him lol 8.5/10
Your verses will forever be wack, & ya petty futures sad/
But my shit will "raise a nightmare" like "Freddie Krueger's dad"//
pretty nice punch 7/10
Ya verse was grimey like mildew, its almost too easy rippen this dude/
How u gon win the battle? ur a useless animal that just says "Ohh, Ohh"//
haha nice nice again 7.5/10
Strangle ya bladder wit a recycled-cord, ya quickly-gettin-torched/
And i'll put "ladders under your soul" for you're "life support"!//
shit that was hit 8/10
It's obvious with text your not worthy of rockin wit the best /
Killed ya, I'll autograph ya coffin so your parents can profit from your death//
nice but not a good closer 6.5/10

overall: 7.5/10

vote goes to: Durmil