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Old 07-03-04, 12:53 PM   #6
New to RB
Posts: 56

*smacks croz*

talentless, illiterate pussy... don't get me started
it's obvious
kid must work for the city, how he recycles garbage....
croz's ugly as fuck, but know what? at least he's....
the shit
I'd feed off his verse, but I don't eat feces.....
this ain't even a battle it's a slaughter, pitiful....
croz's dope
...............and disfigured orcs are beautiful
in battle, kid lasts about as long as a crack hit
he slit his own wrist, to show his fatal tactic
I see how croz works, sneaky little homo
set it up &.....
never PM'd the link, hopin to win by a no-show


HardWood Class-Sickz
Class is in session kids

You have no idea....