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Old 07-04-04, 12:10 PM   #10
This is my first post!
MC AK's Avatar
From: a gheto near U

sometimes i sit n wonder, listen 2 rain n electric thunda
profound thoughts of what goes on when im 6 feet unda
i rememba when i was young, got stopped in tha side-walk
by a reverand from community church wantin 2 hav a talk
he showed light 2 a young kid teached stories about heaven
where everyone goes fo a final place of infinate restin
happyness rains supreme, 2 my mind, its wuz just a pipe-dream
but it came at tha right time, id just stole my first nine
back then it wuz more simple, had no concept of death
now i think about death like im bout 2 die wit every breath
tha world is stress, man, im lookin forward 2 tha aftalife
a life without strife, dont hav 2 hustle on blocks at night
no mo slangin yay, my nigga, that be tha day
i drop 2 my knees n prey 2 god show me a way
what am i in fo when i die, eternal dispise?
will i go 2 hell as punishment every day n be victemised?
id rather go to a place where i can peacefully sleep
but i guess ill never know till im gone lyin dead on tha concrete

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