Thread: Beleave IT!!!
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Old 07-10-04, 12:29 AM   #1
~AlmoSt iLLeGAL~
Posts: 246
From: "Pistol"vania
Beleave IT!!!


ayo, idk if yall knew this shit, i jus found out today, but if u sell drugs in school, or u bring drugs to school, n think its kool to tell everybody wut u got on u, even a gun. Dont do that shyt, they gotz undercover cops, in *every* school u can imagine, disquised as normal class mates. They involve in sports, and all the normal classmate activites. Scared me todeath when i found tha shyt out, cause i know alot of people who have gotten caught for dealing in school, or bringing weapons to school, but that mite who be telln, the undercover cops. beleave it or not. But i kno its tha truth. I know teachers whos told me about it. My parents knew bout it. I think shyts crazy.
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