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Old 07-10-04, 08:50 AM   #445
This is my first post!
MC AK's Avatar
From: a gheto near U

hate 2 say it, but chu worse then xtacy mayne
feds should d-tain yo ass fo mental rhyme drain
yo raps is a pain-2-read, i wish yo brain-wud-bleed
so u cuz quit writin-wak, no point in fightin-back
cuz crackheads could rite better words then this dude
i wish hed go 2 a resteraunt n eat poisonous food
then hed be through, no mo rappin while u fucked off cain
u only got choself to blame, ritin shit raps wit a name like d-tain

an ay, jonix, u won call me a weak herb
battle me bitch