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Old 07-11-04, 05:23 AM   #15
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Posts: 34

You know, none of our opinions mean SHIT! Pac was and still is the GREATEST of all time! If you're jealous, just go sit down at your pen and pad and come better than he did!? When you sell over 8 million records, from just one cd, then you can come run your mouth, until then I don't even want to hear over-rated anything from you! If ya'll is so tight and ish, why aren't you signed to some labels, droppin all this "DOPE" ish!? Immortal Techniques song Dance With The Devil is just telling a story, but a song by Pac that destroys that, there's WAY too many...Only God Can Judge Me, Starin At The World Thru My Rearview, Smile, Death Around The Corner...PLENTY others! Pac could take out anyone in a battle...Chino XL aint SHIT compared to Pac either...! Pac never personally dissed that mo'fucka anyways, Pac was after Biggie, just threw in the whole Fag-Boy camp, but if he wanted to, Pac could'a destroyed Chino and ended his fuckin career! Pac was and still is the VOICE for MILLIONS of people, they adore him and to say he is over-rated, is not only the stupidest comment I've ever heard, but I think you should be shot for sayin it...!

That's all I gotta say, mob, tip, RIP - Tupac Shakur!

And to say that without a controversial death, he would'a been forgotten 4 years ago, that's stupid too...Tupac was popular way before he died, so no matter how he died, he still would'a been hot today, like he is! So fuck ya'll who diss Pac, most of us intelligent ones out here know the truth!
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