Thread: Avatar Cypher
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Old 07-15-04, 12:47 AM   #96
Keith Moon
Thank You, Come Again
Posts: 3,908
From: Pomona, California

This noobs got a pic of Vida cuz hes jerkin to this bitch
You and NAs compared is like Brad Pitt maryin a witch..
Shit this is diss an avy not signature, Gravy lines ur best spit
This kid takes after a porta pottey hes full of shit..
Like hed eva get a girl sides a ho on the corner
Pays extra hours cuz the prodtitute has ta find his boner..
Chose the avy cuz ur rhymes arewack an dont rhyme at all
Got excited they had ho avys and nearly forgot ya gave yaself blue ball..
Ya state aint ill, neither are ya rhymes self promotin fag
Navy says it all, He likes seaman an ta take it up tha ass...

he tlaked bout shit ottha than Avys so i dd ur name lies....
