Thread: Eminem
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Old 07-17-04, 02:11 PM   #30
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Eminem is good, just not as good as:

Crooked I
and a couple of more peeps..

You people overrate him because he rhymes a lot.. then when I use the argument saying that he isn't real, peeps bring up the Slim Shady Show... Well, let's see..
let's compare Eminem to who I think the illest is...

Canibus is better with vocab.. 1 point
Canibus is smarter... 2 points... He treats Hip Hop like an art, and utilizes English as a langauge way better than Em.
Canibus is Better with intelligent punchlines... 3 points
Canibus is more real 4 points (Both are out there, but Bis reflects Hip Hop more as he talks about real things and issues sometimes)
Canibus is a better teacher: 5 points... One can learn more just listening to Bis, his content is more entertaining when Eminem isn't being humorous...
Canibus has better experience battling: 6 points (tru, Em was in the Scribble Jam, but Bis battled a legend, and roasted Beanie Siegle, Eminem battles pop stars)

6 points

Eminem Flows Better.. 1 point..His Flow is Nice
Eminem: Better wordplay.. 2 point, more precise rhyme schemes
Eminem is funnier and his punches are more creative at times.. 3 points.. He says some crazy shit
Eminem is White... 4 points.. Don't wanna pull the race card, but i'm concious enough to know that Em is successful because he is white and weird.. a lot of hippies, drop outs, losers, and drug addicts can relate to him coz of his ethnicity and personality..

4 points

Even so, I can strip him of that^

Benefit has Better Wordplay than Em.. Don't believe me? Download "so sick" on Kazaa

Juice has better Puchlines than Em to me..

Crooked I has a Better Flow, and his Wordplay comes Close

And there are atleast 200 Million White people in the U.S, so Em isn't all that unique

^ So There you go..... To let you know, Eminem is not even in my top ten of all time, but he is in my top 20, i think that he is just a little overrated,,
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