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Old 07-20-04, 01:56 PM   #5
New to RB
Posts: 13
From: san diego

Misinterpretaions of the ignorant aggressor,
blamming everone else for his own felt pressure,
with the devil it's said made was bush's pact,
when the towers came down, how else would you react.
knowing every move calculated a reverse attack,
asking for the millions of dead lives that won't come back.
now not everything he does is all bad ,
many would know if they truley knew the facts.
you don't steal, lie, or set a bad precident,
if u don't, i vote u for president,
the hardest job n the world to do n u dis,
shit, yo reality must have a demented twist.
i ain't republican, democrate, bush, rumsfelt,or cheny fan,
i just respect difficulties that are completed by man,
wether or not they have a good plan, this is what true democracy demands.
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