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Old 07-20-04, 05:15 PM   #575
The Reaper
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Posts: 59

Can't you see, you stupid fuck, that I'm two steps above ya?
my deeper meanings leave you confused, just saying "what the?"
You talkin bout uppercuts when you can't even land a punch
you're like George W. in Jeopardy, you never have a hunch
you think you're hot and burning, when really you're a lamer
Even a fire extinguisher won't replace the fact that you're a flamer
Can't even spell my rapper's name right, it's an "E" in Serpent
If "fucking dumbass" was a language, you would be fluent
your using words like "lyrically" because you're trying to be smart
if this was your occupation, you'd be on the street pushing karts

You're not as good as you think. Get off your high horse, before someone knocks you off it.
I'll wait for you there
where the sun doesn't shine
Wait for you there
where the shadows run from themselves