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Old 07-21-04, 11:06 AM   #16
Posts: 146
From: London



This bitch cant even go first/
you juss gotta feed off my verse//
shit simple not hit 3/10

I think u were taught better and not to curse at bomber-z/
bitch im tha one making history, Tupac cant even go against me//
wack who the fuck are you to challenge the greatest 3/10

Im the greatest emcee since eminem/
U listening to 50 cent cuz u love “many men”//
humm ok more shit 4/10

Listening to me rap is like seeing Tupac alive/
Ur nothing as a rapper, get tha fuck outa here and finger urself wit a knive//
bomber how old are you lol 3/10

Even if I do lose to u I just don’t give a fuck/
Cuz the only way u won is just pure luck//
heard this time after time its your best simipunch 5/10

yo this is shit no hate the structure is wack couldnt feel the flow use more personal and punches in the future


0-2 down on his record...bout ta get a hat-trick
You belong in a comunity fo the Psychiatric (mental)
nice opening no conection between the lines 5/10

Enough wid ur basic shit am bout ta make u a error
leave u looking worse than midnight cinderella
hahhahhaha. no 4/10

"the only kid who knows ta drop bombs"...Luks like ur cannon failed
only time u "blow" is after a club n ya get nailed
decent 6/10

Ur flows like u small ur bound ta be a midget
this battles going 1 sided 5-0 ta the digit
best so far 7/10

This aint no achievement i only merked "bomber-z"
his flows r weak n temperary like a call out thread
didnt really rhyme the idea is ok 6/10

not great but you had more punches and imagination one sided battle you came harder

with respect for both of you

hit my battles
