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Old 07-21-04, 05:45 PM   #9
Light Weight
Posts: 335
From: ATL

Look im going to make this quick,but i'll speak so that you can all hear me,,
If you would look at the begaining of the note,
I said it was for the site owner, and strobe, as a matter of fact
One of my points in the investigation report said something about people complaining about whats to long, and that they dont have time to read it all,
Thanks for making one of my points so obvious,
See all you guys had to do is let it go,
Instead of getting into something that wasn't your busines
Thats another one of my points,, I wrote about people starting shit,
When they know they shouldn't be involved,, If no one asked for them specifically!
So tell me guys,,,
what did I do so wrong for you all to just try an clown on me an shit,,,,
Like Joe...I want to know whats going on?
I mean really Im already tired of the hating that goes on in this daum site!,
And its bad enough I dont post on here as much any more,
All I ask of any one on this site ,Is to be left alone, and let me speak my peace.
Because Its alot of stuff on this site that happens,and it shouldn't be going on,but it does
But I wrote what the problem is already,,,So I dont have to go into It any more,
Thats why If you read It,,, You wouldn't be looking so stupid right now!,,,
but if thats the way you want to look ...oh..well thats you...
But I want to ask you guys a few questions,, Since you all wanted to be heard so badly.
Why yall want to start trouble,,when you know you cant finish it?
Its my constitutional rights,,To say what im feeling!
Why diss an innocent man,,,,Before you understand him?
Your just a sign of young kids,,,Trying to be grown men!
And why you got to change,,,When you get around your hommies?
Whats the point In fronting,,,,When you can get alone with me?
Why you got to act like you a thug,,,In a dangerous club?
Evil for evil achieves nothing,,,,Hommie wheres the love?
Why you always got to push down,, On those who try?
But In return,, Your still asking God to help you rise.
Why cant I have peace in my life?,
Why cant I join a site,,,That will except me,, For speaking my rights
Why I cant tell the truth on these boards?,
Why is it only hot when you spit it?,,When the fact is,,your only making noise!
Why cant we lift every voice,,, And speak the truth?
Why piss on my tears,,When all im trying to reach is my roots?
My level of battle
is your problem.
Not minds.
So dont toss me
till to you tried me.
This is my ring.
You cant box me.
I'll drop rocky.
I've climbed the mountain's
Making all contenders obsolete.
All you bitches is running like
water fountain
knocking me!!

Defeat list
Young Beezy
out come:5-o
Lost Battles:none
out come

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