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Old 07-22-04, 05:41 PM   #4
Vango's Avatar
Posts: 2,231

Aight let me make this quick, Picturperfect2, who the fuck are you anyway.

You got merked by Flash last week and you really want some of this
Cuz in a PicturePerfect world herbs like you just dont exist
I wear fur coats in the summer, when PicturePerfect brings it "HOT"
After I press enter, I leave your actions still, and this is just an easy shot
I peeped your battle records Kid, and its stacked like strippers boobs
How do you expect to get respect, when all you do is feed on newbs
They say a picture paints a 1,000 words, but man you can't even spell
Your an empty canvas on an easel, with just the letter "L"
I've seen better comp on Star Search, and they dont even Rap
Your best bet sleep with a Hooker, maybe you'll get at least one clap
Vango is like Balco Steroids, and PicturePerfect your like Malnutrition
How can you be "Picture Perfect", when your just a second edition?

I had to get a new couch, but as you can see the fun continues!
