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Old 07-22-04, 07:05 PM   #6
Poppa Kap
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Posts: 2,056
From: Great Britain

^omg sort your grammar out PP2. Seriously use commas etc & also this sentence....

I know u aint ganna dis me u ganna start selfglorfying sayin ya rhymes is perfectly

his rhymes are perfectly? you cant end a sentence like that, you would have to say perfectly fit or perfectly suited for example. Besides this ur punches were weak & not at all interesting, it was a struggle to make it thru that verse.

Vango wasnt that strong but did enuff 2 merk PP2.

They say a picture paints a 1,000 words, but man you can't even spell
Your an empty canvas on an easel, with just the letter "L"
I've seen better comp on Star Search, and they dont even Rap
Your best bet sleep with a Hooker, maybe you'll get at least one clap

best lines...ur flow & punches were decent so u get this withe ease

Vote Vango