Thread: here i am
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Old 07-23-04, 08:15 PM   #61
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

yo willnova ur no sl;ave to the system theres jus as much racism to italians as there is blacks if u all dont like bein the pits of society quit sellin crack and get some respect and jobs wen italians came over they were poorer and worse off than blaks but my grandparents worked out of it and thats why im at where im at in a nice house they were ju as worse off as blaks r now but they had it worse so if u dont like bein a blak man get ur brothers to stop shootin at police im not racist jus cause i say nigger and im not tryin to start more fights but if u all care so much about how blak people r held down then change it dont add to the problem weneva u act tough to a white kid and weneva u insult this kids pic that jus adds to the hate that u get nuthins gona change if u dont change ya understand u may think u give respect and maybe u do.but a lota blak people are ignorant and racist and because of them they ruin it for u and every other blak man and women u gota be the first one to break the cycle insultin this kid like u did is jus holdin u blaks down even more ya understand dont create more of a problem jus make the solution
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