Thread: here i am
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Old 07-24-04, 05:46 AM   #96
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

now befoe u get mad read all of this first the begiining may sound mean but jus keep reading i make my point in the end to prove to u ur not different than me

african royale i can understnad wat ur sayin cause at least ur not narrow minded and u understand different sides but willnova can shut the fuck up i dont give a shit about if u were enslaved and beaten and raped and thrown off white sailed ships left to drown cause it really dont matter to me haha fact is I DONT CARE. truthfully almost nobody cares they may act like they do but they dont. the only struggle is wat u all make for urselves. and wen willnova said blaks and italians have no comparison cause blaks have it harder haha hell no they dont jus shows how narrow minded and one sided ur life is. and also italians arent white get that straight. why r our las names different. why do we eat ethnic food. why are there italian restaraunts. why is the italian neighborhood seperated from the white blak and latino neighborhood and called little italy? and why does little italy look different. cause italians arent white we r our own culture. we may have white skin but son we're wats left of the roman empire, who i wana add enslaved ur ancient ancestors too. during world war 2 my entire family was either sent into prison or deported cause their last name ended in a vowel and america was afriad theyd revolt cause italy was in alliance wit the nazis. so now u wana say im racist go ahead cause that is racist no matter how u cut it or look at it u make ur own reputation and that goes for ur culture too and the only reason ppl come on this thread callin me racist is cause they either wana look and act more blak, they wana ride dicks, or they jus a mix of 10 different cultures and have to stik to a side. raw killa not racist bitches so u can leave him alone.but to finish this off willnova if u gona act blak and ur gona claim the title of thug and ur gona dress the way u do and ur gona still talk about somethin thats been over and done since 57 years before my family existed in america...then u need to also accept wat comes with it like the word nigger and the "opression" you get...but if you dont like this racism that u get then make a solution be the difference dont hang around with ur gang and shoot shit up or w/e u school they may teach u difference is good but if ur gona act different dont expect to be accepted by the people who r the same...and as for italians not all of them think the way i do...L.I. is full italian and he thinks the opposite of me but thats ok cause this is america...and fact is if u got so much complainin about americas system theres a solution...go find ur roots but ur not gona be able to cause ur no longer african ur african-american so think about that next time u think ur different than me i may have the word italian before the hyphen but the second word still reads american and wen u get a mixing pot like we have no matter wat there is racism from all sides. equal amounts of it too

now to the people who jus viewed his pics and said stuff this has nuthin to do wit any of u ur all fine this jus has to do wit will nova who is one sided and doesnt see it from different viewpoints
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