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Old 07-24-04, 02:34 PM   #8
Posts: 1,489
From: New York

Killah- You Said Dont Be Hood, But Pretty Much That Was All Of Your Verse, Punches Werent Very Strong, Flow Was Eh.... Structure Would Have Been Better If You Looped Your Punches... Do Whatever You Do And End In A Punch... Nah Mean... Anyway Overal Verse.. Not 2 Good

BloodHound- Had Some Punches, Better Than Killahz, Flow Was More On Point Than Killahz, And Structure Was Better... Overal Better Than Killahz

Punches- Bloodhound
Flow- Bloodhound
Personals- Bloodhound
Metaz- Killlah
Wordplay- Niether
Multis- Niether
Originality- Tie
Structure- Bloodhound

Final Vote-----Bloodhound

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