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Old 07-26-04, 12:50 AM   #14
intensify effect
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Originally Posted by 7*0*8*
LyricalOnslaught : it was a nice drop 4 sho, except it wasn't a personal... i understand its complicated 2 fom a personal in 1 bar, but in punchline battles u need 2 come EXTRA hard... but its still tight it just sound like a filler...

intensify effect :

"Your rhymes are slow on penetrating me this guy is a punchline snail.
I’ll hit you way faster than the speed of sending people Internet Email"

his verse^

it was all self glory so i didnt like it at all sry...


i think u quoted the wrong person u got intensify effect : then hes bar
and my bar aint even on there???

i think u ment to vote for me or what clear that up for me??