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Old 07-26-04, 02:47 PM   #5
The Light
Ca'lam's Avatar
Posts: 3,370
From: Saint Louis

yea you spit first, but its a shame you'll come in last..
had a change in names, but forgot to change the wack..(him)
the odds are against you, you already diggin out ya grave..
ya rhymes are so confused like black people inside of raves..
ima eat this kid,like poison stays eatin rhymes,a line at atime..
i thought I gamed with verses,his lines are more played then mine!!..
this rematch is gonna follow the origianl, you lost by 5..
i think i got DQ'd, cause to strobe you prolly cried..
the only way youd be a tight knit, is if your shit was spit by sweaters..
take all of ya fake personals, stack em up n spit some metas..
ever wonder why you not on this list?.......It's cause IM betta..
you had to have the approval of ME, before in this crew state letcha..
Can I Metaphor?
Mixtape Pushed Back to mid september.. Holla at me for a copy still
I'm felt cause im real. Can you say the same ? Prolly not.

Proud OYD member again . <------- That is whassup