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Old 07-26-04, 10:14 PM   #129
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by DON
^you better watch who you knock out kid could be the wrong man and anyones allowed to say nigger it doesnt matter the history none of you knew anyone in slavery so get over it, its getting old hearing you complain. your ancestors werent the only slaves and they had it the best wat bout the chinese slaves they were slaves to japanese before worl war 2 for 25 years and they were treated a lot worse.blakcs were only slaves for 10 years 170 years ago before my family set foot in this country.the chinese slaves were raped by as many men as they could be then their throats were slit like pigs. sicilians were conquered by 10 different empires including romans and were enslaved and for fun the romans would make fires and pik up hot embered stiks and char their skin. they would have contests as to who could chop off their head in one hit. the jews had it worse than any black slave in soncentration camps and even the jews dont complain half as much and that happened only 50 years ago. jews were exterminated blacks were just enslaved so for all you who get so uptite loosen up your not the only ones and you all had to good compared to a lot of slaves so i dont wana hear it cause even my ancestors were slaves they were sicilians which was a lot worse ok so enough.

only reason why nobody can say nigger is because you all dont like the idea of someone being able to say wat they want to you. cause today all the black kids think they are so great so when a white kid says nigger they cant stand it, it just eats at them. well i say it and i dont give a fuck. fuck all you who give a shit you dont matter besides if you care that much you prolly jus a poor piece of shit so get off shadows nuts and get on mine now bitches

Don, Don, Don.. did you even read what I wrote, if you did than you would of seen me write fuck slavery like 100 times and you write a whole fuckin essay about it.. I simply said that I refuse to be disrespected, what's wrong with that. If i can't knock him out, we will atleast fight.. if they can't respect that I don't like the word, for what ever reason, it is disrespect.. we're fighting..
including you, i could careless what you say on the net, in person we'll fight.. simple as that, if I win or lose we will still fight hard.. I refuse to let any white man say it, i'm stubborn, now.

plus, who are you to judge the social burdon of an ethnic group when you're not a minority.. Jews didn't go threw shit, they were whooped on and killed, but that's it.. atleast they have a fuckin history, do you know what that feels like bitch.. don't criticise me, I have to learn about every crevis of Africa just to learn about my history because I am from atleast one of the region that I learn about.. yet, I have an Irish last name.. Bitch don't come at me with who suffers more, i have no fucking identity.. What in the fuck is an African American? how am I both, how am I an American and an African.. why are white people not called European American. not the ethnic, but the English descendants.. Do you know how many fuckin slaves died coming to America on the ships, count them, i assure you that they are more then the chinese and sicilians put together.. They say that the Atlantic ocean is a liquid grave yard, so suck my dick with your petty statistics.. the Jews are actually revered as a social marvle, the Bible you read is from them, and your worst sterotype for them is that they are smart.. plus America rescued the jews, America enslaved us.. also the lighter your skin is, the better you were treated after slavery, go look at my pic in member mugshots, i'd of been the first dude killed (i'm dark)..
jews weren't getting hung by other Americans, plus we've been here since the 1500's, longer than anyone except the natives themselves.. the whole time under oppression until 20 years ago, do fuck off, please..

I would never ask for another mans pitty, fuck slavery and fuck what happened to the jew, i'm not sympathetic.. I'm just not yo nigga, so in person don't call me one.. nigga can only be said if you're black, in the most blunt terms,, it means brother, can we atleast have that? is it so hard to just let us have that word without ya'll saying it too, or do you hip hop site browsing wiggers just wanna be like us so bad, that you even "fight", just to do what we do and say nigga, .. or do you say it coz you're racist, only one of two choices are available to you... and yea, yea, yea, it's a free country, well, and i have free will...... will to knock yo ass out.. but it is our struggle, you're not in it, so don't judge it, and tell us how to feel, how dare you..
you have embarrassed youself Don...
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