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Old 07-26-04, 11:59 PM   #135
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

first off datruth fuck u i am called italian american and everyone who complains about blacks being slaves jus shut up jews did have it worse they saw their families get gases to death u all had it easy pikin cotton. so think twice wen u say u have it bad cause none of you do im italian american and even italians are victims of racism its sad how all italians have to live in the shadow of mafia and jews r hated on more than blaks blaks had it easy in terms of racism and slavery u all jus got big egos and problems cause u cant stand you were other peoples bitches for 10 years. you have barely any history u all painted faces and chased zebras i have history everyone does i can trace my roots back to the 1400's bak wen ur people all were one big tribe throwin spears. you dont have it bad so shut up ur not the only ethnicity there r a lot for example italians jews irish indians arabs orientals and latinos so ur not the only ones damn u all r fuckin pussies complainin about somethin that happened for 10 years and your still holdin on to it thats why people call you niggers cause ur cocky proud fucks jus drop it and get over urselves

and to all the nice blak people i have nuthin against you but there r blaks and there r niggers and its a shame you have to be victims of racism cause of a few bad apples
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