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Old 07-27-04, 01:08 PM   #15
Poppa Kap
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Posts: 2,056
From: Great Britain

I thought one of beauties of hip hop was the fact it didnt matter what you looked like or where u came from.

<--white, suburban & happy with that. My view could be bias coz im one those "white teens" but hip hop isnt set way to live. Look what hip hop stars wore like 20 years back compared to now...totally different. As for the baggy jeans they are influenced through the skater scene because tight fitting jeans are hard to move around in but at the same time are strong material that cope with the rips & tears you get when you skate. So dont think hip hop means baggy jeans, talking street & being black.

However I do agree with u...i have friends that love hip hop yet they wont hesitate to throw racial words around which makes them seem stupid...these types of arguments go no where...I just think if u dont like these white boys rappin dont come to sites like these because u wil deal with it...sit back & just watch the occasional white rapper on TV & just accept how things are.
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