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Old 07-27-04, 10:38 PM   #13
New Jack
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Posts: 265
From: the city

Originally Posted by PoLiFicK
If You Was In My Neiborhood You Would Get Yo Ass Whipped....

And We Just Takin Over Sports Even Hockey Cant Help It

Its Like Plack!! When Them Skinny White Bitches Hit The Tennis Ball...
Its Like BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM When venus And Serena Hit That Mothafucker....

Tiger Woods That Mothafuckin Droppin Down gettin His Eagle And Birdie On And Shit....

That Black Goalee In hockey Nice

Soccer Black Boy For The USA Team And Them Boys From Jamaica Can Kick The hell Out Of A Ball

Track N Feild Yall Might Got That...Steeriods Gettin 2 Us Moruice And Marion..

Basketball-You Kno What it is...
Football-Bout Even But Rb And Wide Reciever And The Fats Positons We git Em Baby Yall Just Block And Shit Qb yall got That But Vick And That Mcnabb They Shootin Bullets Like Rickjames High With Whitney And bobby AT Darryl Starwberrys House When they thought They Heard Sumbody Snekaing....

Baseball-Barry Doin It

Im Not Racist Im Just Sayin...

enjoy it. The black athlete is in great decline due to things such as video games, the internet and television/movies. Minds have been chained to endless dreams.
enrollment for young blacks in baseball has dropped by more than 50% since 1994, the major reason for that being many can't afford the same tutoring/ coaching as many white children can.
basketball has 29% fewer blacks than it did in 94.
Soccer-- while I admit the African teams are great, they do not compare to the soccer Powerhouses of Brazil, Argentina, England, Italy, Spain, or even portugal for that matter.
Hockey--has the fewest amount of blacks of any of the sports mentioned I would imagine. A lot are coming from parents who have imigrated from either USA or Jamaica.

Tiger Woods-- not quite diamond....won't last forever.

Venus and Serena have been ousted by 'skinny white bitches' in the past few grand slams and I think it's been like 4 years and some odd months since venus has won?

What is with this whole dominance thing anyways? Ya'll are like a pack of horny dogs after a bitch


Breathless Arresting Mindscapes




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