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Old 07-29-04, 04:37 PM   #6
Darc Mind
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Posts: 40
vs black dragon


arite im posting mine...

I wrote this shit out in like 15 minutes and then recorded in like 10minutes….
A 25 minute work….w/e…

Lyrics if you need em…

darc mind vs black dragon?
w.e aiyyo
cut the talk and les juss get straight to the point
yo yo..comon

one of da sickest to spit i am black dragon's for shame
what kind of an audio head gets his name from a game
blah! don’t lie bitch start to speak the truth
im coming through dragon and theres nothing he can do
your just a snappy win ill get over with this game
you only a rpg so no wonder he’s getting played
you better be pulling ya self back, better be packing the stealth packs
im playing opposite of ‘b and w’(black and white) im coming to put the ’white in black’
don’t misjudge judging black dragons to think of hell
lemme ‘get to this netcee’, and try to ring a ‘Bell'(bell connection you kno)
with so many audioz its truthful to say
that you stay on the ‘web longer’ then ‘spiders’ today
this be only a fraction of my best man
dragon? you sound like another D n’ D(dungeons and dragons) fan
im coming with the heat man, so try and stop me bitch
even ye best raps couldn’t compete to this shit

and im outtie...