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Old 07-29-04, 07:59 PM   #11
The Light
Ca'lam's Avatar
Posts: 3,370
From: Saint Louis
IP: start off not to good in my opinion,.. but your flow was really good in one part, then fell off on consistancy.. and your quality wasent really that good.. but its all good homie.. just work on quality and flow.. lyrics are there...

detta-iv seen better from you.. .. and you should have said "call me a class Fav-or-rite" woul dhave been sick .. your flow was better.. quality was better.. and iunno bout lyrics, but delivery was definatly yous... AND OMG... THAT scooby do voice at the end OMG... lmfao dude.. that shit is so funny omg.. ok

my vote foes to detta
Can I Metaphor?
Mixtape Pushed Back to mid september.. Holla at me for a copy still
I'm felt cause im real. Can you say the same ? Prolly not.

Proud OYD member again . <------- That is whassup