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Old 07-29-04, 09:49 PM   #7
Yung Duke
Spiritual Respiration
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Posts: 324
From: ATL

]*Ring* *Ring*
Duke: Yo who dis?
Lucifer: it's just ya boy Triple 6.
Duke: oh shit, what up man.
Lucifer: nothin much.
Duke: so what you need homie?
Lucifer: oh I almost forgot, by cousin Gabrial gave me word that God's back in town.
Duke: Is his facts straight?
Lucifer: Naw, it's just some lil punk ass nigga calli himself God. I Seen him the other day. Fool almost drowned tryin to walk on water. But either way it's bad for buisness, so I need you to round up the rest of the horsemen and handle this nigga.
Duke: Naw I'ma handle this one alone. this nigga aint shit.
Lucifer: Then do what you do.
Duke: no doubt...

this battle was dead from the beggining, not even ya name could save ya life,
you could be God bitch, but say hello to the anti-christ,
even the mag prdicted to u that this battle would be goin my way,
you're our absolute savior right?, when even ya title says your're a lightweight,
see I've lived in Hell on Earth, so you can kida say this is patriotism,
the way Ill have people sayin fuck God, you'd think I convertred them to atheism,
but I'll say it myself, fuck God, cause I'll be one soon after my life,
thinks he's the best, but isnt even a leader in the worse crew on the site,
you'll never spit an intellectual verse, lets face it, you're no point Dexter,
leave you so dumb-found, you'd think you was battlin Merriam-Webster,
don't even think about droppin, lets face it, I've got this battle won,
you couldnt live up to ya name if O'l Dirty Bastard Was ya Son,
and dont forget, G-O-D backwards is D-O-G,
so go fetch ya loss and then a few more wins next time you decide to see me...

Explanations: line 12: ODB's former name was baby Jesus
line 10: Merriam-Webster is the name of a popular dictionary.
that should be all you needed an explanation on
Fuck the Record...
Co-Topical leader on the Phase 1 All-Star team.
Member of Udestructable Emcees (Original)
Member of P.S.A (Original)

Member of Trap Lyrics
Member of Blueprint
First ever KO to Spul
K.L.L. week 3 battle of the week (vs Restricted)

...The above Proves i'm Fukin Dope

Non-Phixional Con.Tentz
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