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Old 07-30-04, 01:14 AM   #320
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

nah look wat dv8 said white people r black people r jus totally different thats why mixed babies have a lot of diseases nobody else can have cause white people and black people r develoing into two different species i neva knew this but there was a show on it and everyones been bringin it up a lot. its not jus pigments it has to do wit different gene code and different dna pattern.

and damn people ive been sayin this since june wen i joined where were u getin on my side then wen i was tryin to get people to see the different images that do hiphop and how i can say nigger and nobody will stop me. nobody said this they all jus talked a lot of shit the whole time and started a lot of fights online
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