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Old 07-31-04, 11:27 PM   #14
The Wig
New to RV
Posts: 93

Voted For: Da Vinci

I caught this wackass herb laugh’n at my “half-ass” verse
(till he realized he was at the bottom of this page and read’n his first.)

Damn, that line was so fucking sick Da Vinci. Neither of you guys had very good verses, but Da Vinci's was easier to read, and as far as I'm concerned, that line I postd killed effect right away.

Intensify, you had a good drop too, but not as good.
Da Vinci weak, so hes only defense is to snap like a crab
and this battle gonna get "bloody", like da "bitch forgot to bring a pad"

That was your best line, but it couldn't compete. Good battle though.
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