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Old 08-01-04, 06:02 PM   #3
Keith Moon
Thank You, Come Again
Posts: 3,908
From: Pomona, California

This welsh cant get me so fucks sheep like his sig
claims racism when he has the flame cross yellin "Nig"
this kids water flow is evaporated, dropped off like niagra
couldnt be hardcore gangtsa if he joined crips and OD'ed on Viagra
your chances of signing record deal is slim as ya fate
You have less chances than a buffet party held by Mary Kate
Two gats but youve never blasted so dont act like Billy the Kid
Hes faker than that bloodspray or maybe its just his period
Kids pure whackness, pre-wrote and here comes his weak attempt
Hes was investigated by the DEA, they havent found anything dope yet
Dont have any room to win, voting circle diminished, no riders
Get off Stanks dick, his structure, wait betta off fuckin retire
Won Emcee of July second to who Emcee and your a microphone abuser
Wonder why you win awards an battles, cuz theirs 4 active users
couldnt handle a topical league, recycled, and pre-writes by the hour
bitch I just left you devestated like Osamas men left the twin towers

Ill explainpersnoals cux the new system and you dont know him....

personal explanations: (ill go by lines)
1. His sig on Rap Wars is a guy witha sheep and hes welsh
2. Called me racist for posting wigga under member mugshots on RW
7&8. his sig is two guns and has bloodspray
9. He follows a rapwars memebr Stank around and uses the same structure
10.ducked me to go pre-write.....sporadic means occurin at regualr intervals
11+12. Was MC of july and theres only 4 active users on RW
13. he recycled a verse from Original RW and got Dq'ued from Topical league here
14. He was in a topical championship and tha topic was 911

ll this stuff was a quick 7 min drop............easy cuz i remeber him on RW

quick 8 mintue keystyle