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Old 08-02-04, 04:32 AM   #61
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Posts: 57
From: intrumentality

Sillhouettes in the hall, on the wall, theyd be fighting
While im sitting in my bedroom, crying every night and
Hiding, covering my ears so i couldnt hear.
Wiping tears from my eyes, but the blurriness wouldnt clear.
But Giving up, would let my sanity lose,
So I stood tall in the face of my family abuse.
My minds eye was like clarity fused with blind love.
Ironic when it was strangers, where I often find hugs.
The marks disappear, the tears wash away,
only a hint and clue, a tint of blue on my mamas face.
I really hope this whole situation will change.
When the abuse'd go away, and we all lived happier days..


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what does she say in her ulogy?