Thread: DRAG~ON vs DON
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Old 08-04-04, 01:54 AM   #13
<<NaMe ReTiReD>>
Posts: 37
im not sure if i can vote but i'll explain anyhow..


don,you brought a good story line n used good vocab,came with an image n you protrade it well,i enjoyed your verse you kept the reader in mind while you were writing it i think thats important....a couple lines were kinda outta place but after continueing on in the read i got them..nice work...

drag-on..i liked your verse also but you did'nt tackle it the same as don by telling a story which is still koo but you kinda lost me when mentioning peeps like snoop..n tyson..i did'nt really feel that 2 much..but on the other hand i liked some of your comparisons that you did..but overall i was hangin for a story line..or a real meaning...

overall i gotta give this 2 don for coming with a storyline n having some real feeling in there.....if drag-on would've came with a storyline n with his style i think this would've been a much closer battle.....props ta both mc's good job