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Old 08-04-04, 02:37 AM   #26
Karl Merks
Doesn't Belong Here.
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Posts: 442

You know... there's no point in even talking to you anymore. You're just a bubble of hate and there's no getting around that. Never in my life have I ever had 'net beef'. Sure kids diss me here and there, but i've never experianced anything like you before. There's a chance you're just anti-social in real life and just use the Internet as a place to vent, or something like that. There has got to be something wrong with you. Why else would there be countless hate post directed toward you? No, it's not because you're some sort of dope 'text head'. I looked into your records, and you challenged someone to an audio battle and then claimed you were having computer problems. Let's see, that's a broken camera, broken soundcard, and you want to accuse me of hiding?

Right now, i'm getting into audio, as soon as I can learn how it all works... you'll get to hear me. As for the picture thing, I don't have equipment that is compatable with the computer. I have friends who do, but i'm not interested in going over to their house and asking "Can I take a picture for a rap website?". Anyone who actually knows me, can see me and talk to me in real life. These are the people I care about, not somone hiding behind a screen.

Face it, you're not who you say you are. We can bicker about it for hours, but when it comes down to it... there's no proof on either side. I hope you can get over this complex you seem to have, cause if you can't even make friends on the 'net... you need to re-think yourself.

Sigs are for narks.