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Old 08-04-04, 07:42 PM   #30
Middle Weight
Posts: 1,381

yo i jus went back and read the verse deticated to me.somebody should chek if that was bit cause he told me a while back sometimes he bites and how he cheated on earlier battles so check that out i would but its really not that important to me cause the verse was no good if hes gona come at me make some good stuff dont state things i already know.besides poison is just upset and goin through rough times.his mom was raped by his dad who he never hears from cause hes in prison for murdering her.and he cant decide if he is white or black its hard for him see ya poison good luck wit "killin" me have fun and stay up on the website but remember www means its not real so calm down.its been fun with u.all the times u asked me to train u and how u begged me to let u in the ur own crew hates u.its all good though and no more suicidal thought over the net that convo jus freeked me out thats why i blocked you
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