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Old 08-07-04, 10:49 AM   #15
Light Weight
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Posts: 212

Originally Posted by Infamuz
2 pac

dead or alive

i say alive

too many things that prove it

Damn dude, you need to get your shit straight. Quit watchin' MTV and BET and take shit for what it is. He is dead. The reason for so many albums coming out after his life, is due to the fact that he had many cuts who never made the albums that came out during his life. For example: if you are in studio makin' a 12 track album, you dont make exactly 12 tracks. You make 20-25, and get the best ones on the album. The rest stay in the vault.
Tupac had 4 (5 if you count All Eyez On Me as a double) solo and 1 crew album that came out during his life time. So think of how much material that didnt make those albums was left behind. He was always in the studio and so many accappelas were put down with no specific beat assigned to them. Thats how Better Dayz came out. Thats why you got stars of the day rhymin with pac on the same tracks. Ok bitch? Ok.
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