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Old 08-07-04, 06:38 PM   #1
{Undestructable EmceeZ}
From: E13
Topical Head Look For A Crew


I can smell the salt lingering in the air, the waves braking against the shore
Brings back distant memories, this place I have been before
“There wasn’t any clouds last time” I can remember a bright glaze
Like a lazy object over the ocean I remember we always lazed
I thought I would come back as I’m coming to my final days
The happy memories I once had, I want to relive my younger days
The wind is whistling in my ear! The clouds forming shadows on the cliffs
I remember the things my dad would tell us,.. Story’s but mainly myths
The water was always cold, the sea salt always scented my hair
Playing under the arch like a young boy with out a care
Now I have something growing in me the treatment didn’t react
The doctors could no longer help me, I have reached my final act
The hospital room was filled with machines I can’t hold on much longer
Removed the cords from my chest and pushed up with my shoulder
I haven’t got anywhere to go, I have been here for so long
The world seems dark and eerie I can’t wait to be gone
The beach comes to mind a place full of joy and happiness
This is where I will spend my final day, to end my life of loneliness
“Sitting facing the horizon” the sea breeze is my only embrace
looked over to the arch” the sands of time have ended my race

Also a sig maker holla *No Shit crews please!!!

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