Thread: A Lil Sumthin
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Old 08-08-04, 11:04 PM   #1
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Posts: 5
From: Inglewood,California
A Lil Sumthin



I know this girl, she blew my mind
Never thought I’d have feelings for her
But then came Time
Time passed by
And thoughts of her became regular
Hoping that she would be the next call on my cellular
I tried continuously to check into reality
And realize that I wasn’t the only one in her young life
And that on her b-day card her boy signed “my wife”
Fuck! Not again…
Put myself in a race I can’t win
Instead I contemplate on what I got myself in
This girl is beautiful, you wouldn’t believe
The first time I noticed, I became intrigued
Body language became our conversation
We connected like the stars and constellation
Like cake to a fat kid, I wanted it bad
But how could I have something so sweet but never actually had?
See instead of reacting now, I think ahead
When she leaves, will I still be a thought to her
Or left confused like a child without his mother
Damn…the more I write is the more frustrated I am
Who the hell am I, shit I’m not her man
Although I would like to be, her MAN
I came to a conclusion,
One to stop this confusion
Chantae: We both know what we got ourselves in
Either way I will not win
But I know it’s too late to change my decision
To make a long story short
We're holding on a rope
how loNG will it take
before you let go.

<img src="E:\MyDocs\My Pictures\myfam.jpg">
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