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Old 08-09-04, 03:36 PM   #5
...tha princess of rv...
Posts: 639

this guy jus pmd me..."i dnt like to dis on gurls"..
thas ok man..u cudnt did me...if u stole ma "hair curls"..
your raps cudnt gather heat...if u spat in a volcano..
wudnt know the meanin of higher gear..if u were "shimano"..
i leave u unablt ta "elevate" wit ya "rungs all split"...
you cudnt fight ma "grip"...if u took "anaconda" to it..
with the "lights lit" still a "dim" wack "burn out"..
more rediculous than the cats who sang "twist n shout"..
now ima leave u lost,cold u revel in defeat..u all alone..
you wudnt "throw up a punch"..if ud scored in the n-zone..