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Old 08-10-04, 11:23 AM   #26
Posts: 141

i hate faggots who say jay-z is better cos he sells more. fuckin bitch...

how can u say gods son is wack when ur probly listenin to the fuckin blueprint 2 u fag

mosta jay-zs 83 cds are wack as fuck.
and hes alllllaa bout money too,
he uses fake bullshit to sell more records like "this is my very last cd" and all that bullshit.
hes done that twice now.
have u herad the blueprint 2? that sucked dick.
and the black album?
dont get me started on that shit.
sayin gods son is wack and theres thre good songs. u must just like the beats dawg.
have u heard get down and every single other fuckin track. u faggot.
u dont know shit, seriously.
fuckin jigga loving wigga
[Fuck You]
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